Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Long Time No See

I hadn't realised how long it had been since I updated this; the house-moving and holiday-going took more preparation than I expected so there's been absolutely nothing happening on the crafty-goodness front for far too long.

But, that's all about to change for the better! I still have no internet connection at home so no piccys but I have finally got my study/studio squared away and now have an entirely awesome room just for making things in. Also, I did get some more routine sewing done recently in the form of lining the bedroom curtains so the light doesn't wake us up at 5am.

We got a lovely new sofa for the lounge too so the room is now black & pine and just crying out for a nice black&white quilt for snuggling on the sofa (maybe even two so Rob can have one for the armchair!) I bought some snazzy b&w bedlinen from Ikea for the backing and the pillowcases are just the right size for my cushions so I have 'made' the worlds quickest cushion covers to brighten things up until the quilt is ready.

Now all I have to do is decide which project I want to work on first and get to work finishing some of the things I've already got started.