Quilt Gallery

All the quilt's I've ever made! Click the quilt name to see all the posts I've made about a particular quilt or the picture for a bigger version.

Dec 2012Isaacs Quilt
2003-2012Black Cats
Dec 2011 Nana's Quilt
Dec 2011 Grandad's Quilt
Mar 09
Apr 09
Baby Bargello
Feb 09
May 09
Aimee's Quilt
Feb 09
Something Strippy (WIP)Picture Coming Soon
Sep 08
Denim Lone Star (WIP)
Jul 08
Silent Stars (WIP)
Mar 08
Fire & Ice (WIP)
Dec 06
June 07
The Blue Quilt
2005The Purple Quilt
The Red Quilt
2002-Flying Safari (WIP)
Neon Cats

And a couple of quilts that are mine that I didn't make; these were gifts from my mum - Thanks Mum :D

2007Crazy Cats
Nov 07
Nov 08
Sam's Double