Monday 21 December 2009

Secret Santa Solved

Sometimes I love being able to sew! I was supposed to get getting wrapping for my gift for the office secret santa today but the snow caused some problems on the motorway and getting to Tesco (yes I was getting desperate) was going to take about an hour-and-a-half.. sooo not happening.

Which took me back to the original plan of making a pretty little gift bag for the bath stuff I bought from Lush to make it look all nice and appealing and I must say I'm really rather pleased with the results.

It's properly lined so all the seams are hidden but there isn't a fixed fastening - it just has a tie made of thin strips of the two fabrics bonded together.

The fabric was bought at a quilt fair when I made a policy of spending <£5/m and I used about 1/3 of a fat quarter of each which makes it 83p by my reckoning - added to the £4.60ish I spent on the actual gift I think that's pretty close to the £5 target when you consider that people don't normally account for the cost of gift wrap!

Thursday 17 December 2009

Sunday 6 December 2009

Black Cats Redux

I have finally finished the blocks for my Black Cats quilt; well, admitedly I have cheated and rather lowered the bar but I think it still counts as a victory! It was originally going to be a 420 block double bed sized monstrosity but it turns out that whilst making ickle blocks is fun for a while the novelty wears off fairly fast... it's now a 144 block wall hanging but I still rather like it, and it will actually stand a chance of being seen now. It will clock in at just under 34" square (maybe with a border added) with a total of 1872 pieces.

All that remains is to actually sew the blocks together, quilt it and hang it - but I'm a lot closer to finishing it than I was this morning :D