Monday 28 February 2011

Actual Progress!

We had some friends down to stay over the weekend and wound up talking about quilts and it made me want to do some sewing - so I did... about 12 hours worth over Saturday night and Sunday afternoon/evening.

This is the first piece of my Silent Stars quilt to be put together - it has just over 200 pieces in it and is about half a metre square.  I did some math and the final quilt will have about 3,000 pieces in it (depending on how I finish it).  I have about another 40 stars made up and 10 more ready to piece but I still need to prepare and add all of the backing pieces.  Also, I need to track down some more backing fabric... I think I should have thought a bit more about how big this would be; I only bought a meter of it and according to my calculations I need at least two and a half.  Just to make things interesting this has been on the to-do list for so long that the fabric went out of production 2-3 years ago - the internet tells me that some quilt shops in Denmark have some so I think I'm in for some hefty postage charges!