Friday, 4 January 2013

Flipper the Plesiosaur

Meet Flipper the Plesiosaur; were Flipper a fully grown dinosaur he would have been one of the largest marine predators alive measuring a massive 20 metres in length... but Flipper is just a baby so he's a bit smaller and measures about 20 cm from nose to tail!

Despite being aquatic by nature Flipper manages to look exceedingly cute when he tries to walk around on dry land, of course all the walking takes it's toll and he also likes to have a little sit down at regular intervals.

Flipper is my first knitting project in about 14 years - I was given the amazing book Knitted Dinosaurs for Christmas and just couldn't resist all the gorgeous little monsters contained within.  I dashed straight to the (online) shops and bough knitting needles and wool and got stuck in making this little fellow.  It took a few false starts but about 15 hours later I had this gorgeous little dino.

He is knitted with Merino wool and is wonderfully soft to the touch, his back is decorated with semi-transparent sequins and his eyes are made from tiny little buttons and a bit of white felt.

Rob suggested I join Ravelry so he has a project page there too.