I had a very productive weekend and decided to make a start on my UFO's. I decided to start with one of the earlier ones and dragged Fire & Ice out of the cupboard. 2 hours later I had finished assembling the quilt top and I can't believe it's taken me this long to get around to it! It looks a bit wavy because all the pieces are paper-backed and it got a bit scrunched up in the cupboard but I'm confident that once the papers are off it will lay flat!

I started by trimming all the blocks down and then assembled them into 4-block squares, then into three long rows and finally into one big quilt. The next task is to remove all the papers from the back. There are an awful lot of tiny little pieces and, to make it even more fun, most of them are printer paper stuck on with pritt-stick so its going to take a while to clear down. Still, it's good telly-watching activity so I'm fairly hopeful that this will get done shortly - I managed to get about a third of it cleared off on Sunday night so I should get there before too long... then I just have to decide how to quilt this Beauty.