Wednesday 15 December 2010

Not Dead Yet...

It really doesn't feel like a year since I last posted something quilty but I the date stamps don't lie.  I find I need a fair bit of spare energy before I start feeling creative and I guess I just haven't had that much over the last year; things are looking up at the moment though and I've been dusting off some old projects.

I started designing this quilt just before we moved house (June 09!) and it got shelved because, whilst it was easy enough to draw the quilt, I realised I had no idea how to actually make it.  Fortunately that all changed when I went on a Machine Applique course for my birthday (March 10) and finally understood how to prepare fabric shapes for appliqueing.  Last week I had a bit of spare time and it all came together suprisingly fast - I need to redraft the middle few geese as the shapes I was originally planning had teeny little insets which are too narrow to give me enough seam allowance to actually make them but other than that I'm pretty pleased with the results.

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