Sunday 27 March 2011

Mug Rug

I'm a little late to the party but my quiet stalkings thorough the blogosphere (Quilt Dad -> Two More Seconds -> In Color Order) have finally led me to the new in-thing that is the Mug Rug.  It's basically a miniature quilt on which one is encouraged to put thing which would usually make a quilter quiver in fear... namely cups of tea and delicious cakes and biscuits.  Being that I love quilts, tea and most especially cake I had to make one right away!  I used some of the teensy scraps from my Spicy Stars quilt to piece a stripy centre on a paper foundation, added a 1 inch border and quilted it all up.  I think I'm a little out of practice as it took a good 2 and a half hours to make but I am very pleased with the result.  I shall take it to work on Monday and brighten up my desk a bit... I predict that within the week there will be no more white in sight!
The Full Mug Rug

The Back

Detail of quilting

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