Friday 4 May 2012


I made this quilt for Dad's 60th Birthday and I couldn't be happier with it.  It's the first time I've ever made any thing like this and amazingly the entire process went smoothly from start to finish.

Whilst I have always admired the art quilts I've seen online and at shows, this quilt was particularly inspired by the work of Luke Haynes, an American quilt artist who makes some stunning contemporary quilts.  I've wanted to make a more "arty" quilt for a quite a while now but always felt hampered by my extreme lack of artistic talent (I'm awful at drawing etc), but the other day Rob was doing some illustrating on the computer and he showed me how he was using different image layers to trace the outlines of his drawing from a photograph.  It looked like something I might be able to do and it turns out it is!

I'll keep this post fairly short but I have put together a (fairly) complete description of how I made the quilt here.

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