Sunday 12 April 2009

And another finished quilt

We went back home to catch up with mum's and dad's for the start of the easter weekend and whilst curled up on the sofa 'watching' the (golf) masters I managed to finish sewing the binding onto Aimee's Quilt. I'm amazed with the results to be honest; it was always a bit of a gamble as it was the first time I've ever made a quilt without a pattern to follow and also the first time I've machine quilted rather than hand quilted one but I can honestly say that I love it. There's a large part of me that doesn't want to see this one go but I think that because it was always being made for someone else it will be easier to let go off than on of the ones I made for me... it really is about time I stopped hoarding everything I ever made anyway! I just hope that Aimee likes it; I'm pretty sure her mum will but small childern=unpredictable so I guess there isn't any way to tell other than to give it to her!

The finished quilt

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