Thursday 2 April 2009

C'est Finis

Et Voila - Baby Bargello is done. I quilted it in a simple zig-zag and added an outline of the inner border, it's a much simpler quilting design that I'm using for Aimee's Quilt but I think it emphasises the pattern nicely without distracting attention from the pretty fabrics. All in all I'm very pleased with this quilt... All it needs now is a label and it's ready to go to its new home

Quilting in Process

And the finished quilt

Edit: I decided the pictures above don't really give any impression of the size of the quilt so, lacking a convenient small child to photograph, I have enlisted the help of Tiger (who is pretty much baby-sized) to bring you the following quilt-simulation... basically it will be plenty big enough for baby and should carry over quite nicely from cot to cot-bed as s/he grows up. Thanks to some artful corner turning you can also see the backing which quilted delightfully (not a tuck in sight!) and, according to Rob, will give them the alternative of using the quilt upside down as well... not sure what I think to the idea of hiding all my lovely patchwork in favour of an Ikea bedspread but I'm sure he meant well!

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