Sunday 12 April 2009

Something Random

The quilting bug has bitten and is refusing to let go... After we drove home from Rob's parents we went out for a very nice Easter roast at Stu & Claire's and followed it up with a trip to Hobbit Real Ale & Blues festival. Not being a great pub-goer 3 hours of watching people drink every type of Ale under the sun was plenty for me and I called it a night when everyone decided to move onto the next pub. I was going to watch a film but my re-discovered Flying Safari quilt was calling to me - I discovered to my horror that this is by far my worst UFO and was actually started in 2002! It was supposed to have a flying geese border so I thought I'd assemble that (the geese were already made) but when I looked at the geese I discovered that 16yr old me had different standards than 23yr old me and there was no way on earth that those geese were going to make a border that fitted the quilt properly.

With my plans scuppered I decided it was a shame to waste all those hours I spent piecing geese so I put them together into a little wall hanging instead - I now present "Flying Free", my first piece of improvisational quilting (if I call it art it doesn't matter that I lost all my points right!). It consist of flying geese in 'tiger' and 'leopard' on a black background and whilst it may look like a completely random mish-mash there is actually a method to the madness.

Flying Free

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