The swap had brought the theme of 'Spring' to the front of my mind and whilst we were away up North I saw some beautiful Cherry Blossoms (which I have a soft spot for) but, in typical english style it was rather too chilly to properly enjoy them. Thus this piece - a Cherry Blossom tree fighting the cold... I've called it "Against the Odds"!
It's a machine sewn background (just layered material with oversewn edges rather than pieced) with a hand emroidered Cherry Blossom. The trunk is done with a sort of stem stitch and the blossoms are french knots in various shades of pink, the tree may not be anatomically correct - I made it up as I went along.
I quite like it but in retrospect I would have used a calmer background; the tree gets rather lost amid the changing prints so I think a simple mottled blue would have worked better. The binding looks a little less clunky in reality but I think I need to work on my straight lines a bit before I do it again!
Note: Explanation of ATC as requested by mum: "Artist Trading Card" measuring 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" in this case made from fabric but can be made in any medium provided the result is not overly thick.
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