Sunday 24 May 2009

Harder than it looks

Yesterday we went down to town to look at houses and, as we were there, I stopped by the fabric shop and finally bought the wadding for my Denim Lone Star. The top and back have been ready for months but I 'stole' the original wadding for Aimee's Quilt and the Baby Bargello and never quite got round to replacing it. Because of the weight of the denim I was a touch worried that normal cotton batting would struggle to make any difference so I chanced it and bought some polyester wadding instead - at £2.40/m this could prove to be a very cheap way to finish any future demin quilts too! Shall have to see how the machine copes with it tho as the quilt is somewhat bulky to say the least.

Today I pushed all the furniture aside and just managed to get the quilt out flat in the 'dining room' so a couple of hours later and it's all basted with safety pins - I usually prefer spray baste but this thing weighs a ton and I'm just not sure if it could hold under the weight.

Now all I have to do is find the rest of my heavy-weight thread and quilt this monster!

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