Tuesday 31 March 2009

So near, yet so far

I have very nearly finished Aimee's Quilt; I had about 1m of the outer border left to go when I ran out of thread... this quilt has now consumed 600m of thread which is absolutely insane considering that it's only about 6m square... I never realised how thread-intensive machine quilting could be.

I'm very please with the results so far, but it does leave me with something of a dilemma - do I drive the 3 hour round trip to The Quilt Room where I got the thread (and can thus be sure I'm buying the right colour) or do I just order one spool of each of the likely possiblities from the internet on the basis that I'll use it at some point. I was going to drive but when you consider that it'll cost me the best part of £20 in petrol I think that it will actually be cheaper to order excessive amounts of thread online... Next time I shall be very careful to make a note of which precise colour wave of thread I'm using before I throw the annoying sticky label away!

Anyway, the fruits of my labour so far; the inner quilting has been showcased before but I'm particularly proud of my outer border design. It's totally freehand, no pattern marking etc, and it's actually worked out better than I hoped. I'm thinking of calling this quilt 'Dreaming of Butterflies', just seems to fit with the fabric I wound up using and all the stars in the design.

Click For Bigger and Admire the Stars in the Border!

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