Saturday 14 March 2009

Baby Bargello

Today I started my Baby Bargello - the course was a birthday gift from my mum and we spent a very enjoyable day at The Quilt Room where I managed to piece the entire centre of the quilt in about 5 hours - I was impressed with myself!

It was probably one of the most enjoyable courses i've been on in a while as the teaching was excellent and it was easy to get your teeth into the quilt - once you understood how to stagger the strips it was just sewing in a straight line which is something I find very theraputic.

My jelly roll worked nicely too - I was a little worried that using only one fabric range (albeit in 5 colourwaves) would result in a rather insipid quilt but instead I have a beatifully subtle centrepiece. It needs to have borders added but other than that it's all done - I think this will definately be a pattern to remember for the future; easy to make and very pleasing to the eye.

The pieced centre

Detail of fabrics

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