Monday 23 March 2009

Background Musings

I have some lovely starry fabric to do the inner border on my Baby Bargello but as-yet I haven't bought a backing. I was going to just get a couple of metres of Sleepytime fabric to match the front but it appears that it's nigh-on impossible to get in the UK,doubly so if you don't want blue or pink.

Time for a rethink then... perhaps I could go with the inner border fabric, if I do that then I probably want to bind it in it too, and the bolt I bought it from was looking distinctly on the slim side but surely the internet will have some for me. Nope, no such luck. Even after I mananged to figure out what it was (Sage Stars from Timeless Treasure's Noah's Ark range) it appears that it's just as hard to get hold of as the Sleepytime. I really must start asking how long a range has been out before I buy from it! I guess I need to finish my adjustments to the quilt top, give it a quick measure and some time next week I'll take the plunge and call the Quilt Room to see if they have enough of this left for me!

The elusive Sage Stars

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