Tuesday 10 February 2009

A New Quilt: Aimee's Quilt

My friend at work is having a baby in April and I decided I want to make her a cot quilt for him/her. This raised a slight problem though - she already has a daughter who didn't get a quilt from me (because I didn't know here then!) and from what I know of the girl she's the type who might get a bit jealous.

Obviously this meant that there was no choice but to make her a quilt too... what a shame!

My theme for this quilt was pink & purple as I know these are colours Aimee likes and I happen to have a stash box themed to this that needs using up. My original thought was butterflies (no idea why) but since I don't know of any easy/pretty butterfly blocks a quick rethink led me to stars - pretty and pink now and hopefully still attractive when the 3yr old becomes 13!

After much internet searching for a quilt that looked easy to make out of scraps and pretty to look at I decided on the sawtooth star as the basis for my quilt and after looking at many pictures (I love you google images) I decided that the quilt below was the prettiest I had seen - I hope that the designer won't mind me borrowing it!

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