Thursday 5 February 2009

Fire & Ice

This is a quilt that I started on a course my mum 'bought' me for my 22nd birthday. We went on a machine quilting course with Gwen Jones at The Quilt Room and one of the samples she had with her was a New York Beauty - when we all expressed our amazement at it she mentioned that she was planning to run a course on how to make one... I think pretty much everyone on that course signed up before the date was even set! I decided I wanted to make my quilt themed around fire & ice because that's what the spiky bits reminded me of and since mum was very kindly buying the fabric I was able to get pretty much whatever I wanted!

The Inspiration: Gwen Jones' NYB

On the fire & Ice theme I decided that the NYB blocks looked like suns so they would have orange/yellow centres with red spikes. The remainder or the arcs would be light blue ('cos dark blue w/ dark red just didn't look right) and the background would be dark blue.

The Colour Layout

When I actually thought about what I wanted to do with my quilt I decided that I could use a sofa quilt so I figured I'd enlarge it a bit, I may have gotten a little carried away with that idea though as I went from the 16 block above to a 48 block monstrosity! Still, it will at least be a useful size when it's done and will give my machine quilting a bit of a test!

The First Block

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