Tuesday 10 February 2009

Working out the Fabric Requirements

Tonight was math night... i don't like math :( Still, not too bad - just lots of adding up to do! Overall there's going to be something like 350 pieces in the quilt so that's fairly reasonable all things considered. I'm going to use up my stash for this one so i just worked everything out in terms of squares / strips. All ready to do the cutting tommorrow!

I've ordere a metre of backing fabric from my favourite online store so I hope that will be enough. Backing and borders will be decided once I can compare them to the quilt so that I don't overwhelm the blocks - not sure how all the white will balance out yet.

To avoid overwhelming this blog with numbers I'm keeping all the details of the construction on a seperate instructions page so if you're interest in precisely how many squares I needed check there!

Edit: 1 metre is not enought backing... needs at least 1.5m to get all the borders done

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