Friday 20 February 2009

I've finished the top

It's done; the extra backing I needed to finish Aimee's Quilt turned up during the week and tonight I managed to find time to put all the pieces together - I have a pieced quilt top and I have to say that the making-it-up-as-you-go-along approach has been suprisingly easy to pull off. Aside from the slight hiccup with the backing fabric I didn't hit any snags along the way; I think I should do this more often... It feels more creatively satisfying not to be working to someone elses pattern & methods!

Anyway, here it is in all its glory- the finished top for Aimee's Quilt. It's been photographed on my king size bed which is why it looks small - Aimee has a kiddy bed and I think that once the borders are on this should drape nicely over that and make a decent topper for when she upgrades to a standard single as well.

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