Tuesday 10 February 2009

Block Design Time

Having decided on the design for the quilt I looked at how to make the blocks - one of the first things I ever made was a Sawtooth Star cushion cover... I think it took me all day to make!

The standard way to make the block is to cut the center & corner squares and then make 4 flying geese and stick them all together.

For the design I'm making this is obviously going to entail a bit more work to get the centre squares to have diamonds in them, and I loathe flying geese (I once decided to make a border for a quilt for them... is still isn't finished 6 years later).

Looking at the pattern it could also be split into a 4x4 grid and that's the approach I'm going to take - that way everything is either a solid square or a half-square-triangle square... no geese!

The first thing I did was draft out the two blocks I would need for the quilt - a search of the internet revealed no handy instruction manual and the construction of my 'inspiration' was too good to show me where the seams were so I decided to wing it and go with framed stars - it will work and hopefully look reasonably balanced. Below are the two basic star blocks - each unit is 2" thus the block is 8" square. To get the spacing between the stars the solid blocks will have a 2" border all round in background fabric and the varigated blocks will have a 2" border with pink corner posts.

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